Day 2, Flight 2 – Lands End To Haverfordwest (Captain: Trevor)
From Lands End we track the north Cornwall and Devon coastline.

We obtain a Basic service from Swansea and coast out over the Bristol Channel due north from Lynton to Porthcawl.

A very cheerful chap on Swansea radar spares some time to chat with us about where we have been that day. Haverfordwest Radio is closed but the airfield is still open so we land.

There is no sign of the self-service fuel, but we have plenty for our next stop plus reserve. We deliberate between staying at Haverford or going onto Caernarfon. Paul and I are tired and rule ourselves out from any participation in the next leg, Simon though is happy to fly, not having flown that day.

So; we load up and decide to press on the our next stop as the weather had really improved and we had called ahead and checked out-of-hours landing at Caernarfon is OK.